Sunday 15 April 2012

Doing the Unstuck

It may seem like I have forgotten all about this restoration blog but that is not true. The problem has been lack of progress and spare time. However this weekend I managed to spend a few hours in the garage. The plan was to remove the rear wheel bearing. Earlier attempts had involved hammering, heat etc. The ideal solution would be to use a puller. However it was not possible because there was no clearance at the back of the bearing for the puller arms. Therefore the plan was to use the grinder to cut a couple of slots on the outside of the bearing. These slots would then locate the puller arms. This was a bit of a fiddly job as the bearing kept spinning when the grinder was applied (I suppose that is what bearing tend to do). Finally I managed to get a couple of half decent slots opposite each other - one is visible below:

Then I held the puller arms in place as Fiona did the spanner work and the bearing started to move slightly. Once we  had moved it an inch it was possible to fit the puller arms behind the bearing and progress was much quicker.

Next time I'll be fitting the new backplate, bearing and oil seals. Then its time for the axle gaiters before finally fitting the new rear brakes and drums!

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