Tuesday 10 January 2012

The First New Part is Fitted

The new rear brake backplates and axle gaiters arrived. I decided to start with the driver's side first. The backplate can only be replaces by removing the rear bearing housing (held on with four bolts). While this was off the oil seals were to be replaced (as they were leaking).

The housing was pretty much glued in place but a few thumps from a rubber mallet got it moving slightly. Then pulling the drive shaft brought the bearing and housing a centimetre or so out. This allowed me to get enough purchase to pull the housing off. It brought everything but the final spacer with it (i.e. outer spacer, small o-ring, washer and bearing).  The old backplate could then be knocked off with the mallet and replaced with the new item. This picture shows the passenger side bearing (with the outer spacer in situ).

The bearing and washer were put back on the drive shaft after a quick wipe and a new o-ring was fitted. A large o-ring was also placed around the bearing (the previous item had become cemented to the housing).

The old oil seal has to be knocked out of the housing. I clearly don't have the knack because this took ages. I then cleaned up the housing and ensured the oil pathway running though it was clear. Here is a picture of the housing (part way through cleaning).

 The new oil seal was then hammered into place (I used the old oil seal to protect the new one from damage) - remember to put the oil slinger in first.

The official approach is then to oil the outer spacer and fit it to the oil seal before fitting. However I hadn't read the section very carefully and put the outer spacer on the shaft first and then fitted the housing. This is a bit more fiddly but seemed to work fine.  Here is the finished article.

I have started the same job on the passenger side but the outer spacer is not co-operating (yet).

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