Tuesday 30 August 2011

Nothing to see here, move along

While it's true there is nothing to see, it doesn't mean that I have failed to make progress (apologies for the double negative) - it simply means I've been too lazy to take the camera with me into the garage.

At the time of my last post my tinware removal effort had been hampered by four particularly sticky screws. After much soaking in WD-40 one of these yielded with the help of my mole wrench. The other three still refused to budge and so I dug out the blow lamp. I wish I'd done that earlier as each screw only took about 30 seconds of heat before turning with very little effort.

The next task was to remove the exhaust system. This entails removing four pairs of bolts - one pair per cylinder. Three of the rear bolts (rear is relative to how the engine is mounted in the car)  came out with virtually no effort - once some heat had been applied by my new best friend, the blow torch. The third rear bolt still took very little effort, but it was the stud that unscrewed rather than the bolt.

The four front bolts have proved to be much more problematic. Even with the application of loads of heat the neither the bolts, or the studs to which they are attached, have moved an inch. I don't want to use too much pressure as that could snap the studs. On my next attempt I think I will carefully heat the case instead of the nut in the hope of releasing the studs as they will need to be replaced.

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