Monday 16 August 2010

The First Setback

The second rear drum was not as easy to shift as the first. It had been liberally sprayed with penetrating oil, hit with a soft faced hammer and pried with a screw driver - all to no effect. The first drum had at least showed a tiny bit of movement when it received the same treatment.

I didn't worry as I assumed it should pose no problem to my new puller. I tightened up the screw. Nothing. So I tightened it a bit more. Still nothing. Eventually it was too tight to continue so I attached a short extension and continued to tighten. In between these bouts of tightening I tapped the drum in various places to offer some encouragement. The notable lack of movement continued. However the next turn of the handle didn't seem to require much force and when I looked I could see the puller had bent. Closer examination showed it had actually snapped:
I didn't see any point in continuing with this particular job so I sprayed more penetrating oil into the drum, onto the spark plugs and called it a day. It was lovely and sunny and I'd remembered to buy some whisky so I wasn't too disappointed.

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