Sunday 18 August 2013

Carburettor Rebuild

The carburettor rebuild was pretty straight forward. I didn't remove either throttle as they both moved easily. However I did spend a lot of time withe carburettor cleaner removing all the black deposits that had built up over the years - as shown on the following images.

The final photograph shows all the rust and sediment that had collected in the float chamber. This was actually quite difficult to shift, I had to resort to scraping it off with a screwdriver. Another area that was particularly cruddy was the chamber the accelerator diaphragm covers. It looked like some sort of reaction had taken place but after a bit of scraping it turned out to be much worse than it looked. Importantly the sealing surface was smooth and so I don't think it will leak fuel (though only time will tell). 

After thoroughly cleaning everything I checked that all the channels and tubes were clear using compressed air. Then I put everything back together with new diaphragms, gaskets etc. The following shots show the final result - not gleaming but quite acceptable.

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