Sunday 6 January 2013

Back Pedalling

In my last post I said the next task was fitting the brake shoes and drums. This is a simple matter of attaching the handbrake level to the rear shoe and then joining it to the front shoe with a spacer and spring. Here's what you're left with:

This is then attached to the backplate by sliding it onto the brake cylinder (from below), and placing the bottom into the adjusters. The shoes are then secured using the retaining springs. Finally the lower return spring is attached before hooking the handbrake cable to the handbrake level. Once this has been done, your brakes should look like this:

The drum can then be offered up to the shaft and bolted in place (though the bolt cannot be tightened fully until the wheels are fitted and back on terra firma). Looks nice doesn't it:

So that's the drivers side finished. Unfortunately the passenger side didn't go quite so smoothly... The drum only went this far on using my rubber mallet.

At this point I had two choices. The first was to spend the next twenty minutes hammer the drum home with the certain knowledge that future access to the brake shoes etc was going to be very hard/impossible (see my earlier posts). My second option was to remove the offending axle shaft and either have it machined to the correct diameter or to replace it with a new one (which presumably would have the correct diameter). Being naturally cautious I have gone for the second option.

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