Monday 4 June 2012


It definitely seems premature, but I actually needed to get some painting done on the Beetle today. The old swing axle gaiters were removed in a few minutes thanks to my stanley knife. However the tubes were too rusty to make an oil proof joint with the new gaiters - see below:

Therefore I decided a bit of painting was in order. I decided to try POR-15 as it seemed to get quite a lot of praise in the various forum articles I'd read. I ordered a tester kit from Frost. This kit comes with some marine clean (a degreaser), prep and ready (an etch primer) and a small tin of POR-15. Application is pretty straightforward but a tad fiddly with the components still on the car. The picture below shows the tubes after POR-15 has been applied. It gives a very smooth finish - it feels very like glass. It's best to overcoat when it's tacky. If it becomes completely cured then it needs to be rubbed down before the next coat is applied.

Notice also that the sound deadening has been removed and the original colour of the car can be seen quite clearly. It looks like the right had engine bay panel needs replacing and also both bumper mount panels. Time to learn how to weld...

Anyway, back to the painting. After two coats of POR-15 I risked top coating with Frost chassis black. I'll see tomorrow if applying this directly to the tacky POR-15 was a mistake or not. It certainly seemed to get a good grip and there didn't appear to be any reaction - time will tell. Here's what the axle tubes looked like after their first coat - ooh shiny!

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