Monday 23 May 2011

"Dog" Mobile

Thanks to my wife, daughter, sister, brother in law and my parents the beetle has made the short trip from its long term resting place to my garage. This should mean I can nip out to work on her whenever I please - though that is no guarantee of rapid progress.

The plan for moving the car was simple:
  1. Remove the boat from above the car - to allow headroom for jacking.
  2. Jack the car and insert the dolly under the seized rear wheel.
  3. Push/drag the car backwards to allow access to the front of the car.
  4. Either keep pushing or jack and insert more dollies - depending on whether the front wheels turn or not.
Amazingly everything went pretty much to plan. The heavy rain didn't help - but at least the car didn't dissolve before our eyes. Cleaning the windows before setting off probably would have helped my sister see where she was going (as she was the driver). The small dolly wheels struggled with any obstacle higher than 1cm, so hardboard was used to smooth the way. But other than that everything went very smoothly! And here she is in her new home:

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