Monday 6 June 2011

The Wonders of Soap!

The combination of heat and my new slide hammer failed to yield results on the seized drum. So I applied another load of WD-40 to the offending article and then needed to find something else to do while it soaked in. I decided a bit of cleaning would be just the thing.

Spending 27 years sitting in a unheated brick garage in Scotland had taken its toll on the car's interior (though I'm pretty sure the previous 16 years sitting out in the rain didn't help either). Although mainly complete and intact (only one small hole found so far) the build up of dirt and mildew was quite impressive. However as the door cards, seats and sun visors are covered with vinyl I was quite optimistic they'd scrub up well.

So I set about the least dirty door card with a big bar of Imperial Leather in one hand and a small brush in the other. Several hours later I'd cleaned both door cards plus the sides and backs of the front seats. According to the owners manual the bit you sit on isn't suitable for cleaning with water - a foam cleaner is needed. Here's the before shot of the drivers door card. Yes I agree it should have had a bio-hazard sticker (it tasted terrible).

You should probably put your shades on for the after shot.

I've said it once, but I'm going to say it again, "The Wonders of Soap!".